Needs of Lost and Saved 100118

The needs of those lost in sin may be the result of birth into a family who has no background in God and His Word as mentioned in Romans 1:11; the earlier few verses and the verse after verse 11 in this chapter affirms the lifestyle of those who do not know God. Their choice of lifestyle is often filled with unrighteous conduct and idolatrous worship and now we raise the question are these children being influenced without God accountable to God? In time, Yes as the verse 11 teaches they will be without excuse. The Hebrews writer (chapter 3) in the New Testament affirms every ‘house is built by some man but he that built all things is God’. As we learn of God we seek for truth in the things we say and do because only in true things will the foundation stand (Matthew 7:21following) ‘he that heareth and doeth these saying of mind is like the man who built his house upon the rock’. By and by the word of God will teach the redemption story (1 Peter 1:18-19) and we will be lead to ‘crave the sincere milk’ (1 Peter 2:2) and grow thereby. NOW, ONCE WE ARE SAVED FROM SIN as the folks on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:47) we realize we are added by God to the church and we are to go about teaching others (Hebrews 5:12-14; 1 Timothy 2:2; Matthew 28:18-20) In so living for God (1 Timothy 4:12) we will be an example (Tupos) making an imprint for good with those who seek our example in Word, Conversation, Charity, Spirit, Faith and Purity. Our example continues with growing up (1 Timothy 6:11-12) and we become those who ‘fight the good fight of faith and never fall away from the hope of eternal life. We worship as did the brethren at Corinth (11:20) with the Lord’s Supper and Giving for the Lord’s Work (16:2); singing and praying and preaching together in worship services clearly understood (14:15) so others who come to visit services will be influenced for good instead of not understanding at all.

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