Parents Teach Children 030418 at Crockett

Parents are to provide wonderful example to their children in order for them to also appreciate this way of life. Aseph was recorded in David’s Psalms (73) as one observing the wickedness of others and ‘it seemed to him’ that God paid little attention till he ‘went to the sanctuary of the Lord and began to understand’ (verse 17). There he saw the wicked are always set in ‘slippery places’ and ‘sudden falls’ can occur!!! To love God (Matthew 22:37) is to love with our all in all. Described in 1 Corinthians 13 is agape (love) like God desires us to practice. Verse 6 notes this love does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth (verse 6). It’s good to drive on a roadbed which is built on a sure foundation, rather than one whose builder was filled with sinful fun and games which endangered drivers as they drove on the ‘cheap’ materials and sudden sinkholes swallowed them. Who enjoys such a road as this ?? Indeed, we appreciate truth being written on roadway signs, foods we buy in the grocery store and promises made in marriage vows as well. We are hurting others when we rejoice in iniquity rather than being committed to the truth. A true plan of salvation was taught by Jesus (John 14:6, Hebrews 5:8-9, and Matthew 7:21). Let us do the will of the Heavenly Father. He first loved us (1 John 4) and we should return this love for others and for God. Tell others of this current study in March , 2018, please.

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